Rangam Trivedi, a prominent socio-political activist, recently participated in the World Hindu Congress 2023 held in Bangkok. Themed ‘Jayasya Aayatanam Dharmaha,’ the event laid out a visionary roadmap for the future through 45 sessions led by 200 distinguished speakers.
This three-day conference saw the gathering of over 2,200 prominent Hindu leaders from 61 countries, creating a dynamic platform for dialogue and collaboration.
Trivedi took part in the youth and political forums, where he had the honor of meeting and receiving blessings from esteemed dignitaries such as RSS Sarasanghchalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat, Pujya Amma, and Mohandas Pai. Their insights and blessings were truly inspiring.
The congress was a melting pot of ideas, strategies, and shared goals, emphasizing the importance of unity and collective progress.
This enriching experience has strengthened Trivedi’s resolve to contribute meaningfully to the global Hindu community. He looks forward to leveraging the connections and knowledge gained to foster positive change.