On June 26th, 2023, Mr. Vijay Shekhar Sharma, The founder and C.E.O. of Paytm launched Kartavya Path Blogs, an innovative platform dedicated to governance and public policy discussions. The launch event, held at JECRC University in Jaipur. On this occasion, Mr. Sharma praised Rangam Trivedi for this inspiring initiative. The event witnessed participation from over 400 students and faculty members on-site, with more than 2,000 joining online.
Kartavya Path Blogs, an initiative by Bhavya Bharat Foundation and Niravadya Foundation, is a dedicated platform where young professionals and students can publish research articles on public policy and governance in their respective academic or professional sectors. This platform highlights the youth's perspective on critical issues, providing a space for informed and impactful discourse.
During his address, Rangam Trivedi encapsulated the essence of this platform with the tagline: "Kartavya Path Blogs - Yuva Likhega Desh Padhega." He emphasized the significant developmental strides India has made in the past decade and the ongoing journey towards a Viksit Bharat (Developed India).
Kartavya Path Blogs also serves as a valuable resource for aspirants of UPSC, UGC NET, and other competitive examinations by offering free, well-researched articles. This initiative promises to be a beacon of knowledge and inspiration, empowering young minds to actively participate in shaping the nation's future.